Give us your opinion

Just the best Lusitano I saw in my life

Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that I love Mplusitanos Stud farm!!!!!
Everything is great there and most important serious and honest people very rare in the horse world.
When COVID 19 slows down I will visit you again.
Your the best!!!!
Congratulations for all your wonderful work!!!


My experience with Maria and Nuno was fabulous!!!
Maria gave me a fantastic clinic and I’m forever grateful to her.
I’m a big big big fan of their work.
Fabulous sport type Lusitanos.
Love them all.
Kind regards

Dressage clinic

Can’t wait that this COVID-19 goes away , so I can stay one more week with you and learn with the most wonderful people I know ❤️

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Welcome to  Mplusitanos

If you are looking for a Lusitano, you are in the right place.

Mplusitanos stud farm provides selected horses, with periodic evaluations.

Come visit us, we are the best choice for you.